2.0 Refactor
This refactor includes the following features:
- Allows different parser backends: muparser, exprtk, and SymEngine.
- Adds constants, (lambda) function, and random fields definitions within the parsers.
- Re-implementation of local operator: huge performance improvements.
- Adds tensor cross-diffusion, storage, velocity, and external boundary terms.
- Allows for volume coupling between compartments.
- Splits the subdomain and the compartment concepts. Now compartments with no entities or no components are perfectly possible.
- Uses new basis functions from dune-pdelab that allows native usage of multi-domains (branch: features/dune-assembler/main).
- Extends compatibility of tiff images to different bit sizes.
- Adds monitoring (info, warning and error) of variables with new generic reduce operators.
- Switches logging from dune-logging to spdlog.
- Designed to be thread-safe, although is not entirely yet implemented.
- Adds tracing capabilities with perfetto.
- Allows Selection of between direct and sparse solvers, and matrix free operators.
- Allows to print matrix layout in a SVG file.
- Unifies the executable for different dimensions and different degrees of freedom layouts.
- Improves command line interface.