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Add utilities CoarseGridViewFunction, FineGridViewFunction and GeometryInAncestor

Carsten Gräser requested to merge feature/coarse-fine-gridviewfunctions into master

This adds three utility classes to adapt grid functions defined on some entity set to a gridView within the same set.

  • FineGridViewFunction(f, gridView) represents f as GridViewFunction on the gridView if the entity set of f is finer than the grid view.
  • CoarseGridViewFunction(f, gridView) represents f as GridViewFunction on the gridView if the entity set of f is coarser than the grid view.
  • GeometryInAncestor works analogously to geometryInFather (with a very reduced interface) but across multiple levels and is used to implement CoarseGridViewFunction.

Here we used the natural definitions:

  • A is finer than B if any element e in A has an ancestor element (maybe identical to e) in B
  • A is coarser than B if B is finer than A.

Merge request reports
